John Cox, deceased 1838, IL; continued

March 16, 2012

According to probate papers, John Cox rented eight acres of Fulton County, Illinois land from James Cox. The BLM records list the following Cox land grants in the area:

Nathan Turner, SESW S32, 09N, 01E, 4 11/03/1840, KNOX, IL
Benjamin B. Cox, E2SE S33, 10N, 03E, 4 11/03/1840, KNOX, IL
James Cox, W2SW S33, 09N, 01E, 10/10/1840, KNOX, IL
Nathaniel Turner, NWSW S30, 03N, 02E, 11/03/1840, FULTON, IL
James Cox, NENE S08, 08N, 01E, 11/03/1840, FULTON, IL
Jesse Cox, SENE S29, 04N, 01E, 11/05/1843, FULTON, IL
Thomas S, Cox, NE S26 12N, 04E, 11/29/1817, KNOX, IL [warrant]
John Cox, NW S22, 08N, 01W, 09/19/1818, WARREN, IL [warrant]
Nathaniel D Cox, NW S23, 08N, 03E, 01/01/1818, FULTON, IL [warrant (Maine)]
Edward H. Cox, NW S23, 08N, 03E, 01/01/1818 FULTON, IL [father/heir of Nat.]
Abner Cox, W2SW S19, 06N, 03W, 10/10/1840, MCDONOUGH, IL
Abner Cox, W2NW S30, 06N, 03W, 10/10/1840, MCDONOUGH, IL
Covington Cox, S2NW S19, 07N 03W, 12/21/1850, MCDONOUGH, IL [warrant, *heir]
Covington Cox, N2SW S19, 07N, 03W, 12/21/1850, MCDONOUGH, IL [warrant, *heir]
John Cox, SE S19, 06N, 02W, 01/03/1818, MCDONOUGH, IL [warrant]
Phillip Cox, S2NW S19, 07N, 03W, 12/21/1850, MCDONOUGH, IL [warrant, *heir]
Phillip Cox, N2SW S18, 07N, 03W, 12/21/1850, MCDONOUGH, IL [warrant, *heir]
Robert Cox, SW S22, 04N, 02W, 02/14/1818, MCDONOUGH, IL [warrant
[Warrants for service in the War of 1812.

The bounty land warrants were for service in the War of 1812. John Cox (S22 08N 01W) served in Capt. Paige’s Company of the 13th Regiment. John Cox (S19 06N 02W) served in Romayne’s Company, Corps Artillery. Most of the warrants were for New England veterans. I haven’t succeeded in locating Captains Paige and Romaynes Companies.

The 1820 Illinois US Census, no Cox families were listed in the four county area

The 1830 Illinois US Census lists (only in the area):
James Cox 1830 0000100000000 0000100000000 Fulton Co., IL
Levi Cox 1830 0000100000000 0000000000000 Fulton Co., IL

The 1835 Illinois State Census lists:
Abner Cox 1835 0000100000 0000000000 Fulton Co., IL
James Cox 1835 0010000000 2010000000 Fulton Co., IL

And the 1840 Illinois US Census lists:
Caleb Cox 1840 0000200000000 0000100000000 4N1E, Vermont, Fulton Co., IL
David Cox 1840 0100100000000 2000100000000 7N5E, Fulton Co., IL
James Cox 1840 0000010000000 0200010000000 8N1E, St. Augustine, Fulton Co., IL
John Cox 1840 3000010000000 0110100000000 7N3E, Joshua, Fulton Co., IL
John Cox 1840 0110001000000 1011010000000 5N2E, Bernadotte, Fulton Co., IL
Jessee Cox 1840 0300010000000 1000100000000 4N1E, Vermont, Fulton Co., IL
John B. Cox 1840 0000100000000 1001000000000 9N?W, Warren Co., IL
Matthew I Cox 1840 0111100?00000 0100101000000 9N?W, Warren Co., IL
Peter Cox 1840 1121010000000 0110010000000 8N1W, Warren Co., IL
Benjamin Cox 1840 0101101000000 2212001000000 11N2E, Knox Co., IL
Nathan Turner 1840 1100010000000 0010010000000 Knox Co., IL
Andrew Cox 1840 0010201000000 1100110000000 McDonough Co., IL

According to the 1850 Census, the Vermont Township household heads were born in PA. Other records indicate the Vermont Township had a large number of Quaker settlers. St. Augustine is in the Union Township near the border between Knox County and Fulton County. Peter Cox is listed in the township where a John Cox was given a War of 1812 service land grant in 1818.

The 1850 US Census:
1850 US Census for Union, Fulton County, IL, 19AUG1850
HH 31/31 James Cox, age 42, M, born in KT
Elenor Cox, age 40, F, born in PA
Nancy Cox, age 18, F, born in IL
Lannis Cox, age 10, F, born in IL
James L. Cox, age 7, M, born in IL
Sarah Cox, age 4, F, born in IL

Indiana Marriage records list a James Cox who married Eleanor Babbitt, 15OCT1829 in Scott County, IN. This would be consistent with the Census records if they moved immediately to Illinois.

Also in the 1950 US Census for Fulton County Illinois:

1850 US Census for Canton, Fulton County, IL, 06SEP1850
HH 299/299 Nathan Turner, age 45, M, gunsmith, born in KT
Rachel Turner, age 44, F, born in OH
Robert Turner, age 21, M, born in OH
Moses Turner, age 11, M, born in IL
Christena Carey, age 3, F, born in IL

1850 US Census for Union, Fulton County, IL, 21AUG1850
HH 69/70 Joseph Cox, age 24, M, born in IN
Jane Cox, age 23, F, born in KT
John Cox, age 9/12, M, born in IL
Mary Jones, age 36, F, born in IN
Mary Jones, age 16, F, born in IN
Martha Jones, age 15, F, born in IL
John Jones, age 13, M, born in IL
Isaac Jones, age 10, M, born in IL
Harriet Jones, age 3, F, born in IL

Note Joseph has an infant son named John. I was lucky enough to find this:

1850 US Census for Nodeway Township, Andrews County, MO, 28SEP1850
HH324/323 James Hobson, age 24, M, born in IN
Kisiah Hobson, age 24, F, born in IN
Mary Cox, age 20, born in IN
Rebecca Cox, age 19, born in IN
James Laird, age 15, born unknown

I argue this is a listing for John’s daughter Kaziah and her two youngest sisters. That particular sequence of feminine names, ages, and birth states without a parent nearby is unlikely. The only other explanation would be the family of a close brother or cousin of John Cox, deceased 1838, IL. I agree more study is required to trace their path from IL to MO.

One household away, HH326/325, was John F Cox, age 52, born in KY, wife Matilda, age 48, born in KT with one child, John F., age 24 born in KT and next Eli, age 22, born in MO. The relationship, if any, is unknown. The enumerator is another Cox; S. L. Cox, a 44 year old doctor.

According to the Public Family Trees, the parents of James Hobson were George Hobson, born 1790, Chatham, NC, married 1807, Henry, IN, died 1848, Andrew, MO and Sally Colburn, born 1789, died 1845. James and his siblings were born in Henry Co., IN.

George Hobson 1830 1110310000000 1120010000000 Henry Co., IN
George Hobson 1840 0111101000000 1111101000000 Henry Co., IN

Peter Cox, thought to be a close relative given his willingness to be a co-guardian of the Illinois orphans, was living several, less than 10, miles away from the John Cox family and is listed on the 1840 census, 30-40 years old, wife in the same age range, a boy less than 5, a boy less than 10, two boys less than 15, one less than 20, a girl less than 10, and a girl less than 15.

Peter Cox 1840 1121010000000 0110010000000 8N1W, Warren Co., IL

Ten years later we find:

1850 US Census for Marion County, Oregon Territory, 06FEB1850
HH 503/503, Peter Cox, , born in VA
Isabella Cox, , born in VA
Peter Cox, , born in IN
Francis, , born in IL
HH 505, 505, Elias Cox, , IN

Note the last entry, Francis, born in Illinois. Francis is listed on four more US census as F. M. or as Francis M. One census lists his birth state as Iowa; the rest list Illinois in 1840. Peter consistently lists his birth state as Virginia and in the year 1802 or 1803. The public trees commonly list his birth date as 07MAY1803, birth place as Knox County, Kentucky despite the consistency of the US census listings. His marriages are listed as Jane Raines, 29JUN1820, Jackson, IN, Isabella Marlatt, 25DEC1834, FountainCity, Fountain, IN, and Emily DeHoney, 08JUN1854, Marion, Marion, OR. From the US census reports, we know Peter Cox was in Fountain County, IN by 1830 and that he’d moved on by 1840..

1830 US Census
Nancy Cox 1830 1200000000000 0010001000000 Fountain Co., IN
John Cox 1830 0010010000000 0101000000000 Fountain Co., IN
Joseph Cox 1830 0100010000000 2120010000000 Fountain Co., IN
Thomas Cox 1830 1101010000000 1130010000000 Fountain Co., IN
Gideon Cox 1830 1000100000000 1000100000000 Fountain Co., IN
Peter Cox 1830 2100100000000 1000100000000 Fountain Co., IN
Peter M Cox 1830 1000010000000 1001010000000 Fountain Co., IN
John Cox 1830 0100011000000 4000010000000 Bartholomew Co., IN
Samuel Cox 1830 0120001000000 2110010000000 Bartholomew Co., IN
John Cox 1830 0001001000000 1110010000000 Bartholomew Co., IN
John Cox 1830 1000010000000 2100100000000 Jackson Co., IN
Harmon Cox 1830 1020010000000 0020010000000 Jackson Co., IN

The 1830 Fountain Co., IN listing for John Cox is not a good match for John Cox deceased 1838, IL. The John Cox in Bartholomew Co. IL is a good maybe. He’s not there in 1840. The Peter Cox in Fountain Co., IN is a good match for the Peter Cox found on the 1840 US Census.for Warren Co., IL.

Peter Cox 1840 1121010000000 0110010000000 8N1W, Warren Co., IL

Fountain Co., IN Marriages

The marriage listing is a good match for the Peter Cox found in Oregon in 1850 with wife Isabella. Peter Cox is not found on the 1840 US Census for Fountain Co., IN. Nor is he with his brother Gideon in Platte Co., MO

1840 US Census
James Cox 1840 0002101100000 0030100000000 Cain, Fountain Co., IN
John B Cox 1840 2000010000000 1000100000000 Wabash, Fountain Co., IN
Joshua Cox 1840 1000100000000 0000100000000 Shawnee, Fountain Co., IN
Nancy Cox 1840 0001000000000 0001001000000 Troy, Fountain Co., IN
Gideon Cox 1840 0200010000000 3210010000000 Platte Co., MO
James Cox 1840 1100100000000 1001000000000 Platte Co., MO

Joseph, age 24, IN
Kiziah (Kaziah), age 24, IN
Mehetable (Hettie),
Elizabeth (Betsy),
Mary, age 20, IN
Rebecca, age 19, IN

In conclusion. This is not the family of my Joseph Cox, born about 1836. There may be a distant family connection, but it’s not made here. The data suggest a strong family connection between John Cox, deceased 1838, IL and Peter Cox, deceased 1876, OR. Peter Cox agreed to be the co-guardian of John’s seven minor children. This is a serious financial and moral commitment that usually indicates a close family tie. The co-guardianship argues for John Cox, deceased 1838, IL to be descended from Peter’s emigrant ancestor thought to be William Cox, deceased 1742, NC and Naomi Cantrell, deceased 1742.


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