July 11, 2022
Note 06/22/2024: Recently, thanks to the excellent genealogy studies by Alan Cox and Margie Romine, I learned that the person I refer to in this note as John Cox, Jr. is actually John Cox Sr. Recently, I noticed that my Ancestry.com DNA ThruLines indicated that I have a 10 cM single segment Autosomal DNA match […]
July 7, 2022
I have Cox cousins who still believe our great-grandfather Joseph Cox, born about 1836 in Indiana is more properly named Joseph R. Cox. They still think this despite knowing that both the 1850 US Census for Guilford Township, Hendricks County, IN and the West Union, Morgan County, Indiana Quaker Meeting Records indicate that Joseph R. […]
March 13, 2020
Census Data for William S. Skelton, son of Jonathon Skelton and Elizabeth Cox 1850 Subdivision 18, Blount, Alabama William Skelton 40 [1810, GA] Catherine Skelton 34 [1816, SC] John Skelton 13 [1837, AL] Edward Skelton 11 [1839, AL] Sarah Skelton 7 [1843, AL] Washington Skelton 5 [1845, AL] Greenberry Skelton 3 [1847, AL] Lewis Skelton […]
February 14, 2019
COX, GIDEON 7/10/1832 IN 2nd PM 023N – 008W E½NE¼ 26 WarrenCOX, GIDEON 7/10/1832 IN 2nd PM 023N – 008W W½NW¼ 22 WarrenCOX, JOHN 3/15/1826 IN 2nd PM 022N – 007W E½SE¼ 21 Warren, from Montgomery Co., OHCOX, JOHN 3/15/1826 IN 2nd PM 022N – 007W NE¼ 27 Fountain, Warren, from Montgomery Co., OH COX, […]
February 11, 2019
In Part 1, I discussed Benjamin Duke and his wife Mary, the first Duke settlers of record in the Camden District along the Wateree River. Part 2 ends the argument. I’ve combined it with a revised Part 1 to provide a complete document for my web page. The new document is called:    Selected Families […]
February 5, 2018
Genealogists have struggled unsuccessfully for over a century to prove the ancestors of several apparently interconnected families of the Duke-Dukes surname who lived between 1750 and 1850 along the Wateree River and two of its main tributaries, Sawney Creek and Twenty-Five Mile Creek. Their homesteads resided in the Camden District of the South Carolina Colony. Today the […]
February 15, 2016
I’ve been on a genealogical hunt for my great grandfather Joseph Cox for fifty years. Not continuously, obviously, but in sprints where I search hard, get fraustrated then put it aside for other pasttimes. The aside intervals sometimes stretched over multiple years. I’ve done the Y-DNA test with familytreedna.com and know who Joseph’s distant ancestors […]
July 6, 2014
From the Ancestry.com family trees, we learn that William Marvel‘s parents were Robert Marvel and Mary Smith. William had one known brother who died in Hendricks County, IN, 1889. Robert Marvel, b. 1762, Sussex, DE, m(1). 1798 Sussex, DE, d. 1824, Sussex, DE +Mary Smith William Marvel, b. 1803, Sussex, DE, m. 1825, OH, d. […]
December 13, 2012
Our Joseph Cox is listed on the Joshua Township, Fulton County, IL 1850 US Census in the Henry S. Marvel household. William Marvel, living in Sussex County, Delaware by 1820, and likely of Quaker origins, the ages of their children listed on the US Census records show us the extended Marvel family, father William and […]
March 16, 2012
According to probate papers, John Cox rented eight acres of Fulton County, Illinois land from James Cox. The BLM records list the following Cox land grants in the area: Nathan Turner, SESW S32, 09N, 01E, 4 11/03/1840, KNOX, IL Benjamin B. Cox, E2SE S33, 10N, 03E, 4 11/03/1840, KNOX, IL James Cox, W2SW S33, 09N, […]