Marvel Family Data
Our Joseph Cox is listed on the Joshua Township, Fulton County, IL 1850 US Census in the Henry S. Marvel household.
William Marvel, living in Sussex County, Delaware by 1820, and likely of Quaker origins, the ages of their children listed on the US Census records show us the extended Marvel family, father William and sons William and Henry moved from Ohio, likely from Franklin County, to Joshua Township, Fulton County, Illinois after 1843 and prior to 1848.
1850 US Census for Joshua Township, Fulton County, IL, 16OCT1850
HH 88/90 William Marvial, age 22, M, Farmer, born in OH
- Mary Ann, age 20, F, OH
HH 89/91 William Marvial, age 66, M, Farmer $2500, born in DE
- Sarah, age 44, F, born in DE
- Marmaduke, age 18, M, born in OH
- Hestor, age 15, F, born in OH
- Robert, age 14, M, born in OH
- Rache, age 11, F, born in OH
- Samule, age 8m M, born in OH
- Frances, age 6, M, born in OH
- Lewis C., age 2, born in IL
HH 90/92 Henry S. Marvial, age 25, M, Farmer, born in OH
- Rachel, age 23, F, born in PA
- Sarah, age 2, F, born in IL
- Joseph Cox, age 14, M, born in IN
( From Family Tree and others)
William Marvel b. 1803, Sussex, DE, m. 1825, Pickaway, OH, d. 1852, Fulton, IL
+Sarah Gregory Story, b. 1806, Sussex, DE
- Henry Story Marvel, b. 1825, OH (Circleville–Franklin–Pickaway]
+Rachael Byers, b. [abt. 1827, PA, d. after 1850]
+Malinda Robinson - William Marvel, b. 1827, OH
+Mary Ann Creath. b. 1830, OH
[Note: Birth year descrepancies with 1850 US Census. If the family tree data is correct, then a familial relation between Joseph Cox and the Marvels is not indicated. A connection through the Story, Byers, or Creath family has not been ruled out. Joseph Cox married after his 21st birthday. This argues for Joseph Cox being indentured to a member of the Marvel family.]
(From US Census)
William Marvel 1820 00210 31010 Broad Creek Hundred, Sussex, DE
William Marvel 1830 30001000000 1000200000000 Pleasant TWP, Franklin, OH
W. Marvel 1840 11210010000 1100010000000 Pleasant, Franklin, OH
[Note: In 1840, 1 male child under 5, probably Robert, b. abt. 1836)]